Spam Links – The Importance Of Removing Them
One of the most important factors for Google to score is link quality, And it has worked hard to achieve this goal. For the first time, many links (Spam Links) were deleted by the updated version of Google Penguin in 2012. Then changes were made to it, and the Panda update was created.
Based on speculation and the latest changes made to the algorithm update last April, removing these backlinks seems to be directly related to the quality of a website.
Google and purchased backlinks.
Google focuses on websites that use spam backlinks to compete. Until a few years ago, if you wanted to be on the top list of search engines, it was enough to get a number and order several thousand links. It’s that simple. But those links were of insignificant quality and had no external existence.
So knowing how to remove spam links quickly became a fundamental part of SEO.
What is a backlink?
One of the main factors in determining a bad backlink is the website quality from which such a link comes. Such dangerous links can often be identified in the following ways: Links from websites that sell purpose SEO, called link farms. Links are from websites allowing everyone to access content, which means they contain a collection of articles lacking coherence. These are also a kind of link farm.
Websites that are generally of low quality. For example, websites with poor Domain Authority contain external links or weak and repetitive content. When you get a lot of links from other countries. (For example, your website is British, but all the links are Russian)
You have a lot of links coming from just one website (especially if it is a low-quality website). Get a lot of links from a website in a short period. (This means that money is paid for these links). Google can detect “bad” and “spam” links. It is enough to suspect that they are abnormal and fictitious.
How can spam backlinks be identified?
As mentioned, Many websites were fined for having backlinks purchased or created by black hat SEOs. But even if you do not use these techniques, spammed websites may still link to your website without your knowledge. For example, Some people get involved in negative SEO, or errors may cause Google to find a link abnormal.
The first thing that shows you penalized for backlinks is a significant drop in your website rankings.
How to remove spam links?
You can not remove spam links quickly and easily. While many online tools are available, the best way to remove ruined links manually is as follows:
The first step is to contact the person in charge of the website where these backlinks came from and ask them to remove such links. To do this, you need to find his contact information and send him a friendly email to make such a request. You often do not get the answer. The second step is to eliminate them yourself. It means asking Google not to include such links in its algorithmic calculations.
- You must first create a text file, preferably in Google Docs, and then copy it to a .txt file encoded with ASCII UTF-8 or bit-7.
- Make sure you delete the domain level and the URL. To do this, add “domain:” in front of the name of each domain. For example, if your backlinks come from a com website, you should write something like this in your text file.
- Then go to Google’s Disavow Tool page.
- Select your website and click on Disavow Links.
- Then upload the file you created. (Google will send you a scary message saying: This is an advanced feature, and you should use it cautiously.)
- Fortunately, you are sure such links are spam, so click “Submit.”
One of the most important factors for Google’s ranking is the traffic from this search engine. When you want to improve your rank on Google search results, you need to find a way to increase Keyword traffic.
Deleting spam links can be tedious and lengthy, but it is necessary. It may take time for Google to crawl these links again, so be patient.
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